Seventeen year old Marsha and June flee their remote home in the village of Egypt, on the Caribbean island of Trinidad after Marva accidentally kills their abusive father. This begins a journey for Marva in which she plots and executes her main goal-to protect her sister from further harm. Marva is strong, resourceful, yet vulnerable, a well-rounded character.
Review-The Obeahman’s Dagger
Don’t be fooled by the cover, there is a lot to like about this book. David Chelmsford, a journalist attempts to solve a 100-year mystery of women disappearing during Trinidad carnival’s J’ourvert celebration.
The Red Fire Truck
I performed this piece in Trinidad at the Bocas Lit Fest April 2015.
Touch Down
Yeah boy, ah reach. The flight? Boy, you know how it is when you come home for carnival. From the time you get on de plane is like you done reach.